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April 10, 2005, Sunday
事前應作之準備 瞭解應試所別之資訊
黃生教授(Shong Huang),美國聖路易密蘇里大學博士 biofv057@scc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 族群生物學與保育生物學。個體的生命是短暫的,由許多有變異的個體所組成的族群,它的生命卻是綿長的,族群生物學就是研究遺傳變異在族群內和族群間的分配情形,這些變異可能因時空更迭,環境改變而發生變化,這也就是族群的演化。族群生物學是以族群為單位,研究生態、遺傳和演化的關係,除此之外,在這樣一個物種快速消失的時代,族群生物學也是保育生物多樣性的基礎。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a01.htm 呂光洋教授(Kuang-Yang Lue),美國密西西比州立大學博士 biofv025@scc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 一、生態方面:臺灣特有種生物之生活史及生態需求。群聚中物種之資源利用區隔機制。 二、演化方面:探討臺灣及東亞地區陸域生物相的形成,尤其是兩棲及爬蟲動物類群。 三、自然保育:對於特有生物制定保育或保護的對策。 四、自然保育教育之推廣--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a02.htm 王穎教授(Ying Wang),美國俄亥俄州立大學博士 t43002@cc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 本人對臺灣本土的野生動物行為及生態研究極感興趣,主要的研究對象包括了鳥類和哺乳動物。哺乳動物方面目前正進行的研究包括台灣黑熊及中大型草食獸棲地、遺傳特性與族群動態之調查;鳥類方面則包括黑面琵鷺的度冬生態、溪鳥研究及高海拔利用巢箱繁殖鳥種之生態為主。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a05.htm 王震哲教授(Jenn-Che Wang),國立臺灣大學博士 biofv017@scc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 主要研究專長為高等植物之系統分類及演化,除傳統之形態分類外,並以細胞遺傳及分子生物學等方法探討種間親緣關係以及物種形成的機制。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a08.htm 杜銘章教授(Ming-Chung Tu),美國奧克拉荷馬大學博士 biofv026@scc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 動物生理生態旨在探討動物如何在不同的生態環境適應生存,而兩生爬行動物則研究所有有關兩生類和爬行類的生物學,以上這兩方面都是我有興趣的研究領域,尤其是這兩個領域的交集,即兩生爬行動物的生理生態更是本實驗室的重點。 目前我們正持續在探討兩個主題:1.臺灣最優勢種毒蛇:赤尾青竹絲的生態和生理學。2.塔塔加高海拔生態環境兩生爬行動物的生態和適應問題。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a11.htm 葉增勇副教授(Zeng-Yung Yeh),國立臺灣大學博士 biozyy@scc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 我個人興趣的範圍是真菌學,目前研究的重點,包括台灣產多孔菌類(Aphyllophorales)南方靈芝(Ganoderma australe)次級代謝物的分析,雲芝屬(Trametes)分子親緣關係的研究,以及分離台灣各地區森林土壤中的細胞黏菌(cellular slime molds),探討其物種、生態和遺傳的多樣性。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a16.htm 徐堉峰教授(Yu-Feng Hsu),美國加州柏克萊大學博士 t43018@cc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 系統演化學、生物地理學、分類學原理、保育生物學、昆蟲學、鱗翅學。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a20.htm 李壽先助理教授(Shou-Hsien Li),美國紐約州立大學博士 t43028@cc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 鳥類生態學、族群演化學--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a23.htm 陳世煌副教授(Shyh-Hwang Chen),美國邁阿密大學博士 biofv023@scc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 本人主要從事兩生、爬蟲和蜘蛛類,以及其他無脊椎動物之演化與系統分類研究。目前進行工作有(1)臺灣蜘蛛多樣性之研究,包括台灣蜘蛛相及其系統分類、蜘蛛染色體和族群遺傳多樣性,以及蜘蛛行為和生態研究等;(2)兩生、爬蟲和昆蟲之細胞遺傳學研究,探討其染色體之演化模式,進而瞭解染色體在物種演化上所扮演的角色。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a22.htm 陳仲吉副教授(Chung-Chi Chen),美國馬里蘭大學博士 ccchen@cc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: 生態模式、系統生態學、浮游生物生態學、河口生態學、營養鹽動力學、生態試驗槽的應用。--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a26.htm 許鈺鸚助理教授(Yuying Hsu),美國紐約州雪城大學博士 yuyinghs@cc.ntnu.edu.tw       專長與興趣: Behavioral Ecology, Biostatistics, Modeling Biological Data On-going projects: I. Behavioral Ecology of Rivulus marmoratus I am interested in finding out how the information from multiple experiences is integrated into behavioral decisions. From my previous studies of the fighting behavior of a hermaphroditic fish, Rivulus marmoratus, I discovered that (1) a more recent experience had a more pronounced effect than an earlier experience, which suggested that the effect of a fighting experience would decay and/or the effect of a recent experience would interfere with the effect of an earlier experience and (2) winning and losing experiences were found to have equal but opposite effect on the probability of winning the next contest (Hsu & Wolf 1999). Winning and losing experiences affected different type of fighting behaviors in the fish (Hsu & Wolf 2001). Losing experiences decreased the probability of an individual initiating a confrontation. Winning experiences did not significantly affect the probability of initiation, but significantly increased the likelihood of an individual attacking its opponent at various stages of a contest. I propose to use standardized experiences and subsequent contests to further test hypotheses regarding: 1) how experience differences between fish quantitatively predict contest outcomes; 2) how individuals integrate multiple experiences 3) how experience changes behavior by individuals in subsequent contests to produce variation in contest outcomes; and 4) how experience changes the internal state (neuroendocrine system) to mediate the behavioral changes. These experiments seek to clarify the pathways through which an organism's experience is manifested in quantitatively predictable changes in behavior that lead to variable outcomes of aggressive interactions between individuals. Our increased understanding of experience effects also will be important in furthering the current theoretical and empirical investigations into development of dominance hierarchies. This conceptual framework should be applicable to other types of interactions between individuals, such as mating and predator-prey behavior, that are significantly affected by earlier experiences. II. Dog Behavior (in collaboration with Dr. Serpell at University of Pennsylvania) Our research project aims to study the effect of early puppy experience on the development of problematic behaviors in dogs. The implementation of this project involves work in two primary objectives. The first objective is to construct a reliable and valid questionnaire to gather the behavior information of a dog from its owner. The questionnaire will, in and of itself, be a valuable tool to future research endeavors, to veterinarians, and to breeders. The second objective of the study is to design a survey for puppy owners (affectionately called the “puppy diary”) to report the weekly activities of their puppies. Using both the puppy diary (from 5 to 16 weeks of age) and the behavior questionnaire (completed when the dog is 12 months old), we hope to investigate the relationship between early puppy experiences and later behavioral problems in adult dogs.--http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/a27.htm 充實專業科目 擬定未來研究計劃 相關資料之準備 正式的穿著瞭解口試委員的組成 通常由2~5位教授組成,系主任或所長任主考官。口試委員較常問的問題型態: 一般生 題庫式命題 自我介紹 學歷背景 筆試成績 大學成績 當年度時事考題 大學所修課程 課外表現 唸研究所的動機、計劃 繳交自傳 就讀意願 -部分內容擷取自建國Open in new window 師大 Open in new window

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